Turn On Multi-factor (2-Factor) Authentication

Your password needs a partner—in the form of 2-factor authentication! With 2-factor authentication (MFA), anyone trying to log in as you must provide two proofs of ID:

  • Something you know, such as your password.
  • Something you have, such as a passcode, a phone, or even a mobile app.

Some systems automatically require two-factor authentication. Optionally, you can add this protection to all your business specific accounts, as well as to many types of personal accounts.


Turn It On for YourBiz

  • Turn on MFA for Greenshades
  • Turn on MFA for Office 365
  • Contact us for information through the Runbiz Service Portal


Turn It On for Personal Accounts

Many popular services and websites, including Facebook and Snapchat, offer 2-factor authentication. Turn it on to protect your personal information and accounts.

Instructions Vary by Service

Two-factor goes by many different names—such as two-step verification, login approval, login verification, and so on—but they all protect your information and accounts.

See 2-Factor Auth (MFA) for:

  • A list of popular websites and services and whether or not they offer two-factor protection.


PO BOX 51207 
Amarillo, Texas 

Great care has been taken in producing this compilation of resources. Citations are given as possible, but please know that this piece of work is from a collection of extraordinary minds.